Friday, April 20, 2007

Auf Leserwunsch

Hier ist der Text der Arbeit


Anonymous said...

ich persönlich sehe keinen grund, warum man überhaupt von realismus oder lokalität (im sinne von EPR, bzw wie im artikel beschrieben) ausgehen sollte.
mir erscheint eine quantentheorie die ohne beides auskommt nicht nur möglich, sondern auch durchaus ästhetisch und zufriedenstellend (jedenfalls so weit ich fähig bin die konsequenzen dessen zu überblicken)

Anonymous said...


Rauris said...

Danke auch!

zeilinger said...

One can indeed give up both realism and locality. But then the rather deep philosophical quation emerges. What remains? What are we doing them when we do science? What are we referring to?

or-om said...

"One can indeed give up both realism and locality. But then the rather deep philosophical quation emerges. What remains? What are we doing them when we do science? What are we referring to?"

We don't have to give up the concept of reality nor the concept of locality, we submit some propositions to overcome the problem under:ätRealität.doc
with the best greetings and hoping for answer.

or-om said...

our last blog cited the wrong website: We repeat:
"One can indeed give up both realism and locality. But then the rather deep philosophical quation emerges. What remains? What are we doing them when we do science? What are we referring to?"

We don't have to give up the concept of reality nor the concept of locality, we submit some propositions to overcome the problem under:ätRealismus.doc
with the best greetings and hoping for answer. said...

nazira, only a few postings are in english, unfortunately, gerald

Shea said...

Thoughtful blog thanks for sharing